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The Life of an ActioNet Intern: Burrito and Hawaiian Shirt Fridays

Written by Terrence S.

First off, I want to introduce myself. My name is Terrence. I am a rising senior studying Computer Science at Catholic University of America. I was searching for an internship throughout the school year for this summer, but to no avail until Carsen and Caroline showed up.

It all began in my Software Engineering class. My professor told us that a couple of Recruiters from this company called ActioNet, which I have never heard of, were coming to our class. I had my doubts at first, but when they walked in the door I could tell from their attitudes that they liked where they worked so I had a good impression of the company from the get-go. Carsen and Caroline explained to us what the company does and what the internship entails which piqued my interest so I applied, landed an interview, and ultimately got the position.

Since I didn’t know what to expect on my first day, I was both nervous and excited to start my internship. As I walked in the office, I met the I.T. team, and I wasn’t sure what to make of them. Since I didn’t know the team well enough, I was timid at first, however, what struck me the most about my colleagues was how welcoming and friendly they are to a new person coming in the team. The work environment is pleasant and the culture of the company is pleasanter. Lastly, what strikes me most about the job I’m doing is being able to apply a very particular set of skills, skills that I’ve honed throughout an extensive career.

In the end, what I hope to get out of this internship is to gain valuable knowledge and experiences about the I.T. industry. It will help me figure out a path that I can take as a computer science major after I graduate.

PS: We bond over burritos on Fridays