ActioNet360® encompasses a 360o end-to-end IT management, engineering and operations framework based on the combination of 20 years of experience, lessons learned, industry best practices, and government and commercial partnerships. We understand the importance of efficient, cost-effective, reliable and secure digital solutions and services to accomplish government policies, programs, and protection.

ActioNet provides a high-touch approach combining the right leadership, collaboration, people, processes, and innovation to develop a centralized strategy to implement enterprise-wide digital services. We collaborate across a cadre of diverse stakeholders to assess current state, challenges and to meet our customers’ requirements. ActioNet360® aligns with the U.S. Digital Services Playbook in understanding user need, lean processes, agile implementations, operational accountability, and technical experience on a transparent modern, secure, effective and maintainable technology platform.

Our Innogration

The ActioNet role for our clients is Innovator + Integrator = Your Trusted Innogrator™. ActioNet, “Your Trusted Innogrator” – Innovation, Integration and Action!

ActioNet360® is built on a combination of frameworks including the Project Management Institute PMBOK®, ITIL®, CMMI®, and Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® focusing on end-user and technology alignment, quality, transparency, execution, and maintainability. Performance levels are baselined, monitored, and maintained using ISO 27001 Security and ISO 9001 Quality Management Principles. ActioNet continuously invests in certifying our people in these areas with a dedicated corporate ActioNet360® practice with tools, templates, training, knowledge base, and methodologies that reside in ActioNet’s Innovation Center (AIC). Communities of interest (COINs) also continuously collaborate with each other, our customers, industry peers, and associations.


Program Management

  • Align organizational and strategic direction and expectations of enterprise IT digital services and solutions affecting mission, program and project goals.
  • Manage strategic solution themes, roadmaps, budget, and value streams.
  • Prioritize scope, manage resources, and mitigate risks.
  • Manage change through a shared governance structure, project interdependencies, and common reporting structure.

Portfolio Management

  • Portfolio of interrelated programs and projects managed as a group.
  • Ensure strategic objectives are met through centralized management of portfolios to achieve a digital transformation that meets government objectives.
  • Continuous innovation and delivery of solutions based on approved business case, funding, and architectural runway.

Project Management

  • Leadership and framework to define, design, build, test, integrate, train, and deploy systems.
  • Manage project requirements backlog, functions/user stories, test cases, and release plans.
  • Coordinate configuration, delivery, testing and acceptance of system features and components.
  • Manage and report on expectations, communications, documentation, milestones, issues and risks.

Enterprise Architecture

  • Conduct enterprise analysis, design, planning, and implementation for the successful development and execution of strategy.
  • Architecture principles and practices guide organizations through the business, information, and process changes.
  • Ensure IT investments align with the mission, strategic goals, objectives, and support business needs minimizing risks and maximizing returns throughout the investment lifecycle.
  • Vendor-neutral assessment methodologies across Data Centers, Virtualization, Mobility, Cyber-Security, Network, Storage, Backup, Software, Applications and Communications Infrastructure.

Operations Management

  • Coordination with project teams to prepare, release, operate and maintain systems, features and components to the production environment.
  • Ensure robust production change control to undergo impact and support analysis.
  • Provide continuous monitoring ensuring availability, capacity, performance, security, and continuity of operations.

Quality Management

  • Overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain a desired level of excellence.
  • Determine quality policy, measures, roles and responsibilities.
  • Monitor and manage quality metrics and key performance indicators using tools and templates through surveillance, reporting, trend analysis, corrective actions, and continuous improvement.

Read our Case Studies and Contact Us today to discuss how ActioNet can provide your organization with this support.