Containerization in the Cloud

December 8, 2021

Cloud Computing

By Jeremy L. Major companies and government agencies that have already moved into the Cloud are looking for ways to continue to modernize their infrastructure. As they do, they start looking at containers. ActioNet has been able to assist many of these organizations in accomplishing this correctly and securely. This article describes what containers in… Read more »

Not All SIEM Tools Are Created Equal

October 1, 2021

Image of a lock representing CyberSecurity

By Jeff M. and Kate R. Recent high-visibility cyber attacks have reinforced the need for stronger cyber defenses across our national infrastructure. In February 2021, a water treatment plant in Florida was hacked and the sodium hydroxide was briefly increased in the water to deadly levels. In May 2021, a ransomware attack was unleashed on… Read more »

Microservices: Upending the Application Development Landscape

September 20, 2021

Dev Ops Lifecycle

By Venkata K. and Reuben M. As emerging technologies continue to evolve, so too does the IT industry as it figures out new, innovative ways to develop and deliver applications. We’ve come a long ways from back on June 21, 1948, when computer scientist Tom Kilburn ran the first piece of monolithic software as it… Read more »

Infoblox: The Solution for DNS and DHCP Centralization

August 20, 2021

Data Center Server Room

By Benjamin P. ActioNet is continuously innovating processes and using new techniques and technologies to bring efficiency to our customers. When one of our teams found problems with a customer’s DNS and DHCP process, they got to work finding a solution. After searching they decided on Infoblox as a solution for DHCP and DNS centralization…. Read more »

What to do when your Anti-Virus reaches End-of-Life

August 12, 2021

Anti-Virus protects computers against hackers

By Aaron G. It’s not every day that your trusted anti-virus software announces they are end-of-life. These announcements are rare and come with a plethora of questions. “When is the last update coming?” “How much time do I have to prepare?” “Where can I go to find a replacement?” End-of-life means the program will no… Read more »

Automated Testing: Benefits of Python and the Robot Framework

July 27, 2021

Two Women Working on a Computer

By Mike M. Solutions need to be updated over time to ensure they are as efficient and secure as possible with current technologies. If new technology emerges that better suit a project, it is critical that they be analyzed and implemented. Our QA (Quality Assurance) testing team was recently confronted with this dilemma. The previous… Read more »

Considerations in Physical or Cloud-based Environments

June 18, 2021

Network Operations in Physical and Cloud Environments

by Michael V. and Kate R. Designing a Network Operations Center (NOC) to support various customer missions will inevitably include customer-specific considerations. However, ActioNet experience and expertise in this area has provided for some best practice considerations when establishing and operating a NOC that aside from the physical space design, can be considered if you… Read more »

ActioNet Launches “A Cloud Guru” Training Portal for Employee Skills Development

March 10, 2021

Cloud Guru Partnership Page

by Reuben M. Cloud technologies have skyrocketed in importance during the pandemic, globally transforming the way work is accomplished. Government and industry sectors alike had to rapidly and agilely pivot to provide alternatives for accomplishing their strategic goals via remote working technologies and thus ramped up their investments in mobility, collaboration, and other cloud-related infrastructures…. Read more »