I’m a Proud ActioNeter

Posted by & filed under ActioNet Culture, Employee Spotlight, Science & Research, Uncategorized.

Written by Cheryl H. Greetings ActioNet Family and Happy New Year! My name is Cheryl, and I’m a fellow [and proud] ActioNeter currently working on the BEP project. Becoming an ActioNeter felt like an instant connection to an inclusive team of highly professional and supportive colleagues within an environment that welcomes collaboration, team work, diversity,… Read more »

The Season of Giving Abundantly in Baltimore

Posted by & filed under ActioNet Cares, ActioNet Culture, Business Unit Spotlight, Health Services, Uncategorized.

By Rachel S. This past holiday season ActioNet’s Health Services Business Unit embraced the true spirit of the holidays by participating in a coat drive and a food drive benefiting the greater Baltimore community. The coat drive initiative was held through Thanksgiving and collected almost 4 huge bins of coats, jackets, gloves, etc. The donations… Read more »

Giving Back as a Team

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Written by Amanda S. On December 3rd, the ActioNet Recruiting Team had the privilege of volunteering for a wonderful organization called Food and Friends in Washington, DC. Food and Friends’ goal is to foster a community caring for men, women, and children living with life-challenging illnesses by preparing and delivering specialized meals and groceries along… Read more »

Unified Communications in the Cloud – ActioNet at Okinawa TechNet 2015

Posted by & filed under ActioNet Events, Business Unit Spotlight, Global Operations, Uncategorized.

Written by Joe J. Last week, the Global Operations Business Unit represented ActioNet at the 4th Annual AFCEA Okinawa TechNet 2015 at Camp Shields Naval Base in Okinawa, Japan. The theme for Okinawa TechNet this year was “Unified Communications in The Cloud.” The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) is one of the world’s premier Communications,… Read more »