The Roadmap to CMMC

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Network of lights across the globe

By Andrew S. If you work in the DoD space – and if you’re reading this blog I’m guessing you do – you are no doubt in the process of preparing for Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). CMMC will soon be a requirement for all contractors who do business or who want to do business… Read more »

Quality: The Key to Excellent Customer Service

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Quality Meeting Analysis

By Patricia C. Customer service is the lifeblood of any company. The details that make the difference between great, average, and poor customer service can make or break a business. Poor customer experiences can mean loss of clients or projects. Alternatively, excellent customer service means smooth processes, great customer reviews, and repeat customers. At ActioNet,… Read more »

ActioNet Holds Breast Cancer Awareness Month Events

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Michelle with her pink pumpkin for breast cancer awareness

By Michelle B. October is nearly over, but that doesn’t mean it is the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month for ActioNet. Earlier in the month we brought information regarding our Pink Pumpkin Contest and Testimonials  initiatives. On October 28th we shared the entries of our ActioNeters to the company with our socially distanced Breast… Read more »

ActioNeters Work Together to Stay Fit

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ActioNeters Exercise from Home

By Dee C. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a myriad of changes, but one of the most surprising was to our exercise routines. Many of us found that our local gyms and parks were closed before we were eventually issued state stay-at-home orders. ActioNeters found it difficult to stay fit from home without access to… Read more »

ActioNet Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Woman holding a breast cancer awareness ribbon

By Michelle B. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an internationally recognized campaign to increase the attention of the disease and support finding a cure. Many businesses and organizations take the month to sport pink, discuss early detection, and raise money for research. At ActioNet we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month every October. We are proud… Read more »

The New Normal

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ActioNeter Janelle and her daughter

by Janelle J. In the middle of March 2020, the whole world seemed to shift. We were thrust into living a completely different way and we experienced what all of us have never experienced before – Quarantine. Suddenly, due to the inability to leave our houses except for necessities, Bring Your Child to Work Day… Read more »

Recruiting in the World of COVID-19

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Recruiter holds a virtual interview during COVID

By Monica O. In the current COVID-19 Pandemic, health and safety is ActioNet’s top priority. We have taken every precaution at our Headquarters to ensure that all our Employees are able to work comfortably and safely by implementing safety measures including social distancing, taking temperature checks upon entry, wearing face masks, rotating staff, and minimizing… Read more »