More Cow Bell Please!

August 19, 2015

Written by Dave C. Our Health Services Business Unit in Baltimore hosted an All Hands on Monday (8/17/2015).   Dave Collignon and his leadership team shared their many HSBU Initiatives, Innovation,  Business and Professional Growth with our many ActioNeters in Baltimore right outside of our building.   Kudos to all ActioNeters who make our success possible!   At… Read more »

The Life of an ActioNet Intern: Burrito and Hawaiian Shirt Fridays

July 13, 2015

Written by Terrence S. First off, I want to introduce myself. My name is Terrence. I am a rising senior studying Computer Science at Catholic University of America. I was searching for an internship throughout the school year for this summer, but to no avail until Carsen and Caroline showed up. It all began in… Read more »

ActioNeters Attend (ISC)2 CyberSecureGov 2015

June 1, 2015

Written by Carrie B. Whether in the public or private sectors, organizations are constantly evaluating the technologies, processes, training, and other controls they have in place to mitigate cyber security threats. As a cyber security professional at ActioNet, I have to stay abreast of the latest solutions to help my customers protect their systems and… Read more »

Our ActioNet Fruit Bowl Attracts a Visitor

May 18, 2015

Written by Ashley C. Many of you that visit us at our Headquarters are curious why “there is always a fruit bowl in the kitchen filled with fresh and colorful fruits.” ActioNeters work hard, play hard, eat healthy and stay fit. “The Fruit Bowl” is part of ActioNet’s Corporate Culture and we have been doing… Read more »

ActioNet Employee on the Front Lines in Nepal

May 5, 2015

Written by Dan W. Two weeks ago, I was getting amped about my upcoming trekking adventure in the Everest region of Nepal.  I was excited about the chance to lay my eyes on the highest place on planet earth. Fate had other plans. My sister and brother-in-law, Prabhas, live in Kathmandu this year, while Prabhas works… Read more »

The Fitbit Craze has reached ActioNet’s Headquarters

April 27, 2015

Written by Michelle B. These days everyone seems to have a Fitbit or a similar device to help them count their steps, count the number of stairs they climb, monitor their sleep, or whatever it may be.  Fitbit seems to be leading the pack among the people who I know, and I have one on most… Read more »

ActioNet updates Training Program!

April 20, 2015

Written by Rebecca C. ActioNet University is growing! Originally established in 2014, ActioNet University has served as ActioNet’s internal training program, hosting courses taught by subject matter experts and process owners throughout the organization to share our knowledge and foster understanding of corporate standards and methodologies. As the company grows, so do the company’s needs… Read more »